Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ethical leadership that relates to the book three cup of tea Essay

Ethical leadership that relates to the book three cup of tea - Essay Example Tens of thousands of children in Afghanistan and Pakistan have seen the light of the day through his organization. Educate a child, you have educated a generation. Educate a generation, you have educated a country! Revolution through the pen is mightier than the revolution through the gun. The former will come to stay and enrich the society. The later, in the ultimate analysis, will destroy the humanity. Many failed revolutions, bear testimony to this fact and pages of history are daubed in the resultant bloodshed on account of such mindless revolutions. Mortenson was out to conquer K2, the world’s second tallest mountain. That failed, was a personal disaster, he was rather terminally ill caught in a very difficult situation. Residents of a small village in Pakistan, Korphe came to his rescue. He recouped his health with a determination that resulted in a precedent-shattering silent revolution in the field of education. One man’s determination and will had fructified to benefit countless impoverished children. A small project has since grown up into the Central Asia Institute that has demanded attention of all right thinking people across the world. He achieved the impossible in an impossible region. Mortenson recalls his initial experience in the land of so-called Muslim extremists. â€Å"Mortenson was unsure how the mullah felt about having an infidel in the village, an infidel who proposed to educate Korphe’s girls. Sher Takhi smiled at Mortenson and led him to a prayer mat.†(p.142) Humanity had triumphed over religious bigotry! I entirely agree with the viewpoint of Mortenson that America or any other country for that matter must fight Islamic fundamentalism, through collaborative efforts by fighting poverty and providing access to education, including educating the girl-child. This is the only option to permanent peace and to terminate mindless military adventures. I find a very interesting observation about the mind-set and cul ture of the people in the backward mountain area where Mortenson was operating. â€Å"If you want to thrive in Baltistan, you must respect our ways,† Haji Ali said, blowing on his bowl. â€Å"The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time, you are an honored guest. The third time you become family.†(p.150) This is the significance of Three Cups, which is a great cultural decoction, that blends people of diverse origin, diverse beliefs and diverse religious affiliations, together. Philosophy and spirituality are not about the scriptures and lengthy text books alone. That which is not practical cannot be spiritual either! Every spiritual idea must stand the test of practicability. To speak about good ideas is good; but to go good work is the best option for humanity. Oratory is not experiencing. Mortenson has shown to the world that a school in a village is more beneficial to the humankind than, lengthy research papers on education read in the air-conditioned auditoriums. The best revolution is silent. The first chapter of the book titled â€Å"Failure† is the foundation stone for the â€Å"educational empire† that Mortenson was to build during the next twelve years, in the region that perhaps gave him his second life. He was spearheading his campaign of education in a region where the literacy rate was 3%. Children wrote on dirt with sticks. The very interesting part of the book is, according to me is the transformation of Mortenson to a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Managine Project teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managine Project teams - Essay Example is more focused in the use of contingent reward, active management or passive management style (Judge and Piccolo, 2004; Gill, Levine and Pitt, 1998). As explained by Judge and Piccolo (2004), active leaders tend to focus more on the need to monitor the subordinates’ ability to anticipate organizational problems, their work-related behavior, and ensure that the subordinates would observe correction actions when necessary whereas passive leaders tend to wait until their subordinates would make errors before making actions. Unlike transformational or transactional leadership, Laissez-faire is all about no leadership at all. It means that under the Laissez-faire leadership, the leader tend to avoid making necessary actions or decisions on behalf of the management team (Judge and Piccolo, 2004). Basically, the main purpose of completing the multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ) is to assess the three (3) different types of leadership style known as: transformational, transactional and Laissez-faire. A score of 3.2 for management by exception and 3.5 for contingent reward (3.5) puts me in the 100th percentile for these two (2) leadership factors. It means that I scored the highest in UK as compared to other people. Upon analyzing the MLQ result, this score strongly suggest that I have a strong transactional leadership style. In the study of Rowold and Schlotz (2009), the authors found out that excessive use of transactional leadership style is positively linked with the development of chronic stress. For this reason, I should learn to minimize the use of transactional leadership style. Instead, I should put extra effort in improving my ability to use transformational leadership style. Leadership factors such as individualised consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealised influence are all characteristics of transformational leadership. A score of 3.2 in inspirational motivation puts me in the 100th percentile making this

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Domestic Violence in Kenya

Domestic Violence in Kenya Domestic violence is a problem that is rampant in most parts of the world especially in Africa. There is no standard definition of domestic violence in Kenya maybe because there are no express laws on the same. However several scholars have attempted to define domestic violence. The term violence against women means any act of gender based violence that results in or is likely to result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women including threats of such acts coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occurring in public or private life  [1]. FIDA (K) in the 1998 annual report on the legal status of women in Kenya states, physical abuse or battery consists of a wide range of activities. It can involve pushing, grabbing, scratching, slapping, hitting, punching, chocking, kicking, kneeing, sitting and standing on, burning, drowning, hair-pulling, arm-twisting, hanging by neck and arms or feet, handcuffing, biting or throwing, tying up with rope, clawing or scratching, locking one out of the home, driving recklessly while one is in the car, throwing objects, threatening to hurt with weapons such as knife or a gun, abandoning in dangerous places, refusing to help when one is pregnant , injured, or sick.  [2]  There is no clear definition of the crime and the present laws need to be amended to provide for the crime. For purposes of this project domestic violence against women includes any act to any woman or girl by an intimate partner that is physical in nature and likely to cause her physical injury and harm and this includes hitting, battering ,shoving and pushing, kicking, chocking among others. Background The problem of domestic violence can be traced in the Kenyan traditional system which is patriarchal in nature. In the Kenyan traditional setting a man was recognized as the head of the house hold and subsequently had powers to chastise the wife and children. A woman was seen as a lesser being and was therefore submissive to the husband and in some cultures it was even any man. Some scholars have done extensive research on domestic violence and their works have established that domestic violence is so rampant and is affecting many peoples lives and therefore laws needs to be amended and new laws made. Violence against women is both a historical and cultural phenomenon and a reality which has permeated all sectors of Kenyan society as a result of unequal treatment of women and men.  [3]  This shows that the historic and cultural aspects are the major pioneers of this problem. Wife beating is fairly prevalent in Kenya. The continuation of this practice maybe attributable to the fac t that every regime of customary law in Kenya, grants husbands the right to chastise their wives for misconduct. Under Kenyan customary laws only unjustified or excessive beating by the husband would be sufficient ground for divorce or for the wife to return to her family.  [4]  The only reason that would cause a wife to return would be excessive beating; there is no provision as to what would amount to excessive chastise. Violence against women is a manifestation of the historically unequal power relations between men and women which have led to domination over and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of womens full advancement. Violence against women throughout the lifecycle derives essentially from cultural patterns in particular the harmful effects s of certain traditional or customary practices and all acts of extremism linked to race sex language or religion that perpetuate the lower status accorded to women in the family, the workplace, the community and society. Violence against women is exacerbated by social pressures, notably the shame of denouncing certain acts that have been perpetrated against women, failure to reform existing laws, inadequate efforts on the part of public authorities to promote awareness of and enforce existing laws and the absence of educational and other means to address the causes and consequences of violence.  [5]   Domestic violence is a widespread problem in the whole country and affects women from all classes and age. Violence cuts across all classes of women in this country: rich and poor, educated and illiterate, employed and unemployed, in urban and rural areas and in all ethnic communities.  [6]  It does not therefore mean that its a problem of a section of women but it affects all. This increases the magnitude since women are more than the men in this country. From the scholars we can appreciate that the problem of domestic violence against women is prevalent and it has its roots from cultural practice and would perhaps explain why its so common. The government made an attempt to address some of this problem in 1966 by setting up a commission to work on the law of marriage and divorce whose terms of reference included among other things the status of women in the society the commission found out that wife battery was pertinent to the issue of status of women in the society. After examining it the commission proposed a bill to criminalize wife battery but due to the dominated male parliament the bill was rejected and the parliament justified the practice of wife chastise as an inherent traditional right of an African man. A woman who has been battered can only seek redress for assault provided for in section 250-253 of the penal code.  [7]  In worse cases which result in death the perpetrator of the crime is charged with murder and mostly reduced to manslaughter which has a lighter sentence. From then, women in human rights organizations and in parliament have tried making several bills but none has succeeded so far. The two major bills on domestic violence against women were: national council for gender development bill 1999 and domestic violence (family protection) bill 1999. Here is a summary of what they entailed; National Council for Gender Development Bill 1999 This bill sought to establish a council to ensure gender mainstreaming in national development policies, initiate legal reforms on issues affecting women , and formulate programs on gender development and to prepare reports on Kenyas international obligations regarding women among other things. With regard to violence against women it could have pushed for Kenyas adherence to its international obligations to eliminate both discrimination and domestic violence against women. Domestic Violence (Family Protection) Bill 1999 This bill sought to provide for the grant, enforcement and variation of court orders for protection from domestic violence. In this bill the definition of a spouse encompasses persons living together who may not necessarily be legally married ensuring that women in cohabitation situation are protected from violence. The bill also provides for issuance of protection orders for victims of domestic violence. From this we can see that Kenya has gone a long way to ensure domestic violence is reduced but still the parliament is dominated by male members who are not ready to make the necessary reforms. Several statistics have been conducted by organizations and individuals to show the seriousness of the problem. According to Kenya demographic and health survey (KDHS) 2003, one out of every four women experience violence from husbands with 40% experiencing physical violence and 16% sexual violence.  [8]  From this statistics its clear that physical violence against women is more prevalent than any other type. In the innocenti digest no. 6 of 2000 by UNICEF 20 TO 50% of women are battered in every country worldwide 46% 0f 612 women surveyed in one district in Kenya reported of having been beaten by a partner of those 58%reported that they were beaten often or sometimes.  [9]  This statistics also show the explicitness of the problem and shows that it needs urgent attention. Research questions A big question to consider would be why is domestic violence so prevalent? It is clear that domestic violence is so rampant. This research will endeavor to establish why domestic violence against women is so prevalent Is it because there is a lacuna in law that leads to continued domestic violence against women? The research will seek to establish whether the lacuna in law is the cause of domestic violence against women. What can be done to benefit victims of domestic violence as well as curb its use in the future? The research will have conclusive findings and will make recommendations on the laws that need amends and new laws that need to be established to curb domestic violence against women. Presumptions Domestic violence against women is prevalent because of the lacuna in law. The male dominated parliament is the main cause of the lacuna in law since the men still acknowledge customary law which allows for chastisement of women. The constitution, to which all laws are subject to allows for use of customary law in civil cases. Limitations in the study I am limited only to tackle the legal part yet this problem has both legal and social aspects. I am limited in research since am supposed to handle mainly the Kenyan situation. Since there is inadequacy in law my research will be limited only to the few provisions in Kenyan laws which provide for the crime impliedly. Research methodology I will use both primary and secondary data. Primary data will include issuing of questionnaires to the affected members of the society; I will make observations especially to the affected women. I intend to conduct interviews in various institutes like federation for women lawyers (FIDA), coalition on violence against women among others and individuals who may have authority on domestic violence against women in Kenya especially the human rights activists. Further I will conduct interviews on the victims of domestic violence Secondary sources include textbooks and journals which have specialized on domestic violence against women, declarations, treaties, and the various statutes on substantive and procedural law, judicial authorities which cover for the crime of domestic violence as assault, bills of parliament which were not passed into law and the ones which are being debated on. The internet will also be a major source of my research. Literature review Although various organizations and individuals have focused considerable attention and effort on the subject of domestic violence against women, an in-depth study on the issue particularly dealing with the situation in Kenya need to be done, this is mainly so because most scholars seem to dwell more on the social aspect of the problem rather than the legal aspect of it. Empathy and sympathy cannot solve the problem alone, legal mechanisms have to be put in place to eliminate this problem. There are also no clear ways on which the perpetrators of the crime are to be punished. In its annual reports of 1997 and 1998 FIDA (K) observed the current situation of women in Kenya in terms of family issues. According to them women in the privacy of their homes are subjected to shockingly savage acts of violence which need to be addressed urgently. They have however not provided for the specific laws to be amended and the new law to be enacted. They have mostly dwelled on the social aspects and recommendations probably leaving out the most important aspect which is the legal aspect. Dr. Jacinta Muteshi in her book mapping best practices promoting gender equality and the advancement of Kenyan women highlights the problem of domestic violence however she has failed to bring out what constitutes to the crime of domestic violence against women. Without defining a crime it would be very hard or even impossible to come up with the perpetrators and the punishment for the same. In the book Kenyan country gender profile domestic violence against women has been highlighted as a problem that is both historical and cultural. The author tries to show the seriousness of the problem yet its being taken too lightly. The author has dwelled so much on the social aspects and has not mentioned anywhere what could be done to amend the laws or to draft others. He has not highlighted the legal status of the crime which is very important if this problem of domestic violence against women is to be addressed. In the Beijing declaration and the platform for action.  [10]  This journal provides mostly for the consequences of violence against women in a broader sense including situations of armed conflict. The journal dwells so much on the groups of women who are vulnerable who include refugee women, women migrants, destitute women, the elderly, women with disabilities etc. the author did not put into consideration the welfare of women in normal intimate relationships who suffer silently. However the journal has many recommendations which can help reduce or curb the problem of domestic violence against women. The recommendations can only be helpful if they are incorporated to Kenyan laws. In the book women of the world: laws and policies affecting their reproductive lives the author portrays the problem to be customary based and thats why it has strived mostly because the constitution of Kenya allow for use of customary laws. The author does not seek to address the problem in fact she just mentions the problem and leaves it at that. The convention on the elimination of all forms of violence against women (COVAW) which is the most extensive instrument dealing exclusively with the rights of women is an international instrument that Kenya is subject to. Although Kenya has ratified this instrument, its provisions are not applied in Kenyan courts in practice. The provisions are therefore not helpful in anyway unless the judiciary would apply its provision in our courts in practice. Kenyan statutes which provide for the crime of domestic violence against women provides for use of customary law in Kenyan courts so long as they are not repugnant to justice and morality gives room for broad interpretation which could lead to tolerating the crime to some extent. The penal code cap 63 laws of Kenya, provides for the crime of assault that shoulders domestic violence against women. This act should provide expressly for the crime this is because many perpetrators get a light sentence or worse go free which makes it hard to curb the crime. The criminal procedure code cap 75 laws of Kenya which provides for the procedure of arrest, search and sentencing of a suspect. The procedure is complex and complicated and has a lot of loopholes that lead to perpetrators to go free. The civil procedure act cap21 of the laws of Kenya which provides for rules in seeking legal redress in civil court for compensation for acts of domestic violence against women. The rules provide for comp lex procedures that delay justice and cause many cases to be struck out on technical grounds. The evidence Ac  [11]  t in sections 107-109 provide that the burden of proof is borne by the prosecution most of who are incompetent and its male dominated leading to acquittal of perpetrators for lack of evidence beyond reasonable doubt. I however agree with the annual FIDA(K) reports on the family issues affecting the lives of women. Their recommendations can only be useful only if they are put into law. The various international agreements have good provisions but can only be useful if they are incorporated in the Kenyan laws to be used by the domestic courts. Chapter breakdown My research project will have four chapters which include; Chapter 1: introduction This will include the sneak preview of the topic of domestic violence, the background, the hypothesis and objectives of the study Chapter 2: international standards that are set on the problem of domestic violence This will include analyzing the various laws especially the international standards present that provide for domestic violence against women. Take a case study on a state where domestic violence has been provided for in the laws and done away with successfully. Use and quote works of philosophers who have shunned domestic violence against women. Chapter 3: Kenyan situation Here I will critically analyze the situation of domestic violence against women in Kenya, the magnitude of the problem and what has been done or what is being done to eliminate this problem. Chapter 4: Recommendations This will include various suggestions of amendments that need to be made to eliminate the problem of domestic violence against women. The recommendations will be strictly legal based.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Arbitrary Defused Incitement :: essays research papers

Arbitrary Defused Incitement   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Dan Greenburg’s â€Å"Sound and Fury† a decent point is made from looking at a situation that could possibly become violent. The narrator suggests that people carry a large amount of â€Å"free-floating anger,† which generates within them, ready for use at any point in time; waiting for the slightest hint of incitement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lee, a stand-up comedian, is first introduced by the narrator, who tags along with Lee where he will be the â€Å"emcee† of the night, but right before he is to go on stage a group of drunk young guys chants for a comedian they feel is the greatest, Rusty. Before he even got up to the stage, the young men were ready to cheer on for Rusty, and despite all the exertion he finally gave it up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the narrator begins to talk with him and soothe the ailments of his suffrage some of the â€Å"inebriated young men† began to trickle in and eventually noticed Lee. As events heightened a young man thought that he would want to do something about their chanting and later stepped forward closer to Lee.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The total focus started to rest entirely upon the two men â€Å"going through the motion, doing the dance,† while also the bar’s energy of aggression steadily increased with the engagement itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It was from a simple measure of conversation that the situation was disabled. When Lee asked how â€Å"the guy† of his well-being it initiated a broad topic capable of going anywhere. Then Lee nonchalantly asks what the young man was in town for, and gets an everyday answer that it was his birthday. So Lee after thinking about it threw out his hand and told him â€Å"Happy birthday.† The situation that was once so potentially volatile now was resolved completely by

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Journal of Sofonisba Anguissola Essay

I have painted many self-portraits in my life, but the one that sticks out the most to me is the one in which I painted myself holding a book. I was born in a time, when women typically were not encouraged to obtain an education. My family, however, went against the grain, and actively supported my sisters and I in our education. Even today, as I write this, my society celebrates women for our â€Å"virtue and beauty,† (Niyazi, 2011) with our sole purpose being solely the â€Å"ambition to marry and bear children† (Niyazi, 2011). Nowadays, women in Italy are â€Å"consigned to sit in their palazzos and pursue needle work† (Burke, 1995) when not occupied with the tasks of raising children and tending to their families. Women are not considered to be individuals that are worthy of being intelligent creatures and their education is believed to be a waste of time and resources. In contrast to this common societal belief, my parents pushed me to become educated. Studies of the arts were especially stressed, and this is one of the main reasons why I was even given the liberty of pursuing my artistic interests. I painted this particular self-portrait in order to show other women that education is a worthy cause to pursue. In this portrait, I painted myself holding a book. This book is open, and the viewer can see the writing within it. Within the portrait, the book is not painted merely for show, but rather to signify that it has a place in my life. It is the only object that is in the painting besides me and it draws the attention of the viewer. It is something that is special and precious and asks other women to take the journey of education with me. This self-portrait is rather simple, yet it holds quite a bit of meaning to me. I am wearing very simple, and dark colored clothing, and my hair is pulled back in a bun. I intentionally stripped my image of trad itional feminine adornments, such as an elegant dress and an elaborate hairstyle, in order to draw attention away from my femininity. I avoided these â€Å"female signifiers† (Niyazi, 2011) so that the audience would not connect my image with beauty, which is something that is traditionally connected to women in my society. I created this image to look masculine in order to show that I am mature, independent, and self-possessed (Niyazi, 2011). Even the background behind me has nothing that would detract from this; the background is a rich green color that only makes my figure stand out to the viewer. I can only hope that the women that have looked at this portrait of me are inspired to pursue their goals and dreams, no matter how foolish they may seem to be by society. I have been fortunate enough to be allowed to break away from my expected norms and go after the arts. I hear that I am the â€Å"first known woman artists to achieve international fame,† (Clara, 2012) which means that my efforts and my talents have not gone in vain. It is my humble wish that decades from now, women can look at this pai nting and see that their efforts to be more equal to men are worth and so important. Amongst the paintings that I have created, there are several others that I think are an important contribution to the study of art. The first one is The Family Group, which I painted in 1558. In this painting, the central figures are my father, Amilcare, my sister Minerva, and my only brother, Asrudbale. In the painting, my father’s attention is focused on my brother, while my sister stands behind them. This painting represents the traditional Italian family of my time, where the family is male-centered, and the females remain in the background. From amongst us seven children, my father had only one son, and only this one child had the ability to carry on our family name, therefore, this child was obviously very special to my father. This painting signifies the bonds of this relationship and the expectations that a father may have for his son. The second painting would be The Chess Game, which I painted in 1555. The main subjects of this paintings are three of my sisters, Lucia, Europa, and Minerva, and our nurse. My sisters are playing a chess game and obviously enjoying it very much. The purpose of this painting was to show that women are just as capable of being intellectual as are our male counterparts. Chess is a challenging game to engage in, and it is truly a feat to beat another player. If I remember correctly, around the time that I had painted this particular piece, the rules of this ancient game were changed in order to â€Å"make the queen the most powerful pawn† (Niyazi, 2011) within the game, which was meant to reflect back upon my sisters playing. The final painting that is remarkable to me is Portrait of Giulio Clovio, which represents the artis Giulio Clovio holding a small figure of the Flemish female artist, Levina Terrlinc, in his hand, and looking at the viewer. All throughout my artistic career, female artists were cultivated and developed under the tutelage of a famous male artist. I, myself, studied under the watchful eyes of Campi and Michaelangelo. Granted, I was able to learn crucial skills that helped me develop into the artist that I am today, but I still resent the fact that it is the male artist that must shape the female artist. The fact that the subject of this painting, Clovio, is holding miniature of a female artist shows the concept of male influence and leadership. Even though I may not completely like this, I have to accept it. However, I was able to capture my feelings regarding this issue in this painting. Overall, my paintings reflect my desire for women to be equal to men. Whatever it is that I have painting, as evidenced by my self-portrait and the other three painting that I have chosen to highlight, it is a commentary on the social conditions in Italy. I would like women to have the opportunity to obtain the education that is traditionally available only to men. We owe it to ourselves to pursue the best lives possible and to do what makes us happy instead of living fighting the expectations of society. Sources Burke, Kathleen. (May 1995). Sofonisba Anguissola: Renaissance painter extraordinare. Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved from Clara. (2012). Database of Women Artists. Retrieved from Niyazi, Hasan. (20 July 2011). Sofonisba Anguissola and the Problem of the Woman Artist. 3 Pipe. Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reactions to Patriarchal Oppression in Jane Eyre

In Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, the characters Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason are both oppressed by the patriarchal system of the nineteenth century Britain. Each woman refuses to conform to a patriarchal society, but the manner by which each rebel against culture determine a very different future. By depicting opposing reactions to the oppression, Bronte successfully depicts the plight of women in the nineteenth century. By the time Jane Eyre is nine years old, she has built up a great deal of resentment of the injustice she receives at Gateshead Hall. She decides to rebel against the harsh treatment that she receives from her family. They consider her desire to learn and her independent thoughts to be disobedient and her punishment becomes so intolerable that she could no longer restrain herself. She attacks the rich and spoiled John Reed, behaving â€Å"like a mad cat† (475) and is locked away in a remote, haunting chamber known as the red room. At Lowood Institution, under strict rules and regulations, and with the help of another orphan, Helen Burns, Jane learns that it is wrong to rebel against society. Helen states, â€Å"It is weak and silly to say you cannot bear what it is your fate to be required to bear (506)†¦. It is not violence that best overcomes hate-nor vengeance that most certainly heals injury†(508). Jane learns to conform to society's rules while still maintaining her sense of independence. In the nineteenth century, women do not have a great deal of personal freedom. There are few options available for them other than marrying and having children. Jane's occupation as a governess represents one of the only ways a respectable woman could support herself. As an educated and employed woman, she uses her intelligence to earn a living for herself, rather than relying on a man. She is independent and does not need a man to survive. Even after Rochester proposes to Jane, she still demands that she continue to be Adele's governess, earn her own boarding, and pay for her own clothing. The entire novel portrays some women as strong, intelligent, and yet still feminine. Jane is ultimately convinced that strictly adhering to the rules will assist her in achieving what she wants. Bertha is depicted in a totally different manner. She has no interest in social acceptance or self-respect. Unlike Jane, she has not learned the consequences of disobedience and ultimately the value of conforming to the expectations of others. She is brought up in extravagance, as her family is wealthy. By adulthood, her father realizes that her behavior is not acceptable and cannot be tolerated in a woman. Although he has reared her, he now realizes that she is beginning to show tendencies exhibited by her mother, who was locked up in an insane asylum. He quickly decides that she must be married off as soon as possible. Rochester's own family rushes the marriage as well, for their own financial gain. Bertha is hurriedly wed to Rochester, and it is not until after the wedding that Rochester learns of his mother-in-law's â€Å"illness† and of his wife's â€Å"appetite. † Bronte reinforces the restrictive sexual values of Victorian society through Bertha being confined for her display of excess passion. In the nineteenth century, excesses in sexuality, especially those of females, are considered signs of insanity. Bertha is therefore hidden away. Her very existence is deemed a threat. Rochester considers Bertha's lusty sexual appetites improper and deviant. Her tastes were obnoxious to Rochester, her â€Å"cast of mind common, low, narrow, and singularly incapable of being led to anything higher†¦ whatever topic I started immediately received from her a turn at once course and trite, perverse and imbecile†¦ er excesses had prematurely developed into germs of insanity†¦ no professed harlot ever had a fouler vocabulary than she. † It is obvious that Bertha does not have intent to operate within the arrangement of a traditional marriage or to conform to the expectations of her husband, much less society. Rochester ultimately decides to confine her, as a member of the patriarchy he has the power and authority to judge and punish her. He imprisons her for unladylike, aggressive sexuality and the refusal to kowtow to the patriarchal expectations of women. After being locked up for ten years, Rochester admits, â€Å"she [Bertha] had lucid intervals of days, sometimes weeks. † This confinement aggravates Bertha's condition, and she attempts to escape from her prison. On separate occasions, she stabs her brother, attempts to burn Rochester in his bed, and visits Jane in her room while she is sleeping, destroying Jane's wedding veil. Rochester's confinement of Bertha ultimately becomes the motivation for her final escape, resulting in the destruction of everything that symbolized her oppression, including her prison within Thornfield Hall. Because she refuses to submit to her husband and the oppression of a patriarchal society, the only way for Bertha to escape is in death; she kills herself by jumping off the roof of Thornfield Hall. To the end, Bertha refuses to be controlled by her husband or to submit to society's opinion of proper female behavior. â€Å"We heard him call ‘Bertha! ‘ We saw him approach her; and then ma'am, she yelled, and gave a spring, and the next minute she lay smashed on the pavement. † Bertha's death allows Jane to marry Rochester. As long as Bertha was still alive, Jane refused to deviate from what society deemed right by living with Rochester as his mistress. Jane effectively uses her conformity not only to maintain her own self-respect, but her compliance with society's rules for a woman allows her to achieve her most desired goal. Jane was a model for women readers in the Victorian period. She encouraged them to make their own choices in living their lives, to develop respect for themselves, and to become individuals. Bronte allows Jane to remain acceptable to society as well as true to her own self. As an orphan left with a family who did not really love her, her survival depended upon her complying with the wishes of those in charge. However, even in an oppressed state, she was able to take advantage of the benefits of living with people who were privileged, like reading available books and learning social graces. Bertha, on the other hand, was not subjected to restrictions as a child and has not learned to channel her energies into more conforming ways. She was oppressed due to the social customs of the time; however, she was also without direction or instructions as to how to act like a responsible adult. In conclusion, by presenting two opposing reactions to oppression, Bronte is more effectively able to detail the plight of women in the nineteenth century. She states that strong, directed women can make the most of their situations, even in an oppressed society, if they remain focused. No doubt such a mindset contributed to women eventually becoming more purpose-driven and educated, which empowered them to have some control over their own lives.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

21st Economic

21st Economic Our economy is like Wall Street; what goes up, must come down. People most affected by recession are those in the middle and working class families.Because of the unstable economy, companies are threatens to downsize their employee work forced and closing doors are their next options. Many companies are laying off their employees. The loss of a job threatens many working class and middle class families with the threat of bankruptcy, because of the increasing accumulation of consumer debt. (Whiting, Sept. 1998) Jobs were hard to find; in addition, most people by without the choice, but were forced to sell their homes; many of them moved to other states. Most of them took low paying jobs to support their family. The unfortunate ones took from seven months to a year before they could find a decent job; however, "we have every reasons to maintain confidence in the US economy" according to Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill.United StatesOthers who are fortunate could sit and wait or started their own business, and the rest either take out a home equity loan or refinance to lower their mortgage payment.In many cases, the measured responses to cost changes appear to correspond with outsourcing theories that are based on searched and customization cost. Swenson, D. (2004) Economic Indicator, Congressional Budget Office. U.S companies that outsourced the most jobs in 2003 also offered well above average pay increase up to 46% to their CEOs who outsource jobs according to new study released Tuesday from Forbes, Ackman, D. (2004). Many of them moved their businesses out of the U.S.A to other countries nearby or in the pacific where people are willing to take low paying jobs. The Dot-Com popularity is almost extinct. The recession hit California very hard with this. "On the basis of the most...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Human Fine Body Hair Enhances Ectoparasites Detection, by Dean and Shiva

Human Fine Body Hair Enhances Ectoparasites Detection, by Dean and Shiva Introduction In this research article, Dean and Shiva-Jothy experimentally tested the relationship between the defensive action of human hair and the activities of ectoparasites. In the study the co-researchers have used experiential design to compare a parasite search times on the shaved and unshaved arm of the same host and the ability of the host to detect the presence of the parasite (Dean Siva-Jothy, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Human Fine Body Hair Enhances Ectoparasites Detection, by Dean and Shiva-Jothy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The researchers examined the relationship between an individual’s level of hairiness, search time and the detection ability of the ectoparasites. The paper fits well into the wider context of the study because it aims at investigating the possible cause and effect relationship by manipulating one dependent variable to influence the other variables in the group being experimented, and by controlling the other relevant variables and measuring the effects of manipulation through a statistical means. The technique used by the co-researchers indicates the relationship between human fine body hair functions and the detection of ectoparasites. Thus, it is important to identify the link between the ectoparasites’ host choice and the nature and duration of search behavior by the ectoparasites. The gap in this research appears in the evidence and the promising areas of future research. The researchers have attempted to raise questions that are worthwhile and relevant to the topic of the study. However, the core of the validation process and key to the quality of the research is provided by the critical feedbacks in which the theory of the co-researchers is continually reviewed based on their actions and experience. Methods The experiential design used by the co-researchers requires that the individuals sampled are tested both on shaved and unshaved arms to prevent research biases.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The experiential method used by the co-researchers is appropriate because the study is based on individuals in which the subject of the research contribute to the content of the research including the phenomenon being researched and the creative thinking that the co-researchers generate and manage to draw conclusions. The statistical analysis explains the comparison of search times of the ectoparasites on male and female hosts, it indicates the search times compared with treatment of the arms on male hosts but not in female hosts. Moreover, the statistical analysis also indicates the detection of the ectoparasites on shaved and unshaved arms, the hosts detected the ectoparasites significantly more frequently on controlled arms compared with shaved arms in female and male hosts. The co-researcher s employed research methods that were very beneficial in addressing the phenomena under investigation. Descriptive research is the other important method that can be beneficial in this study since it allows the researchers to verify the hypothesis to present a situation and analyze it (Moher, Dulbers Wells, 1994). This research describes the conditions in detail of the present situation. The descriptive method can be used by the researchers to record data in form of a written report according to their perception (Quinn Keough, 2002). Results The results obtained by the co-researchers confirmed the hypothesis, hence providing an opportunity for further research on the topic.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Human Fine Body Hair Enhances Ectoparasites Detection, by Dean and Shiva-Jothy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, the research provides a clear ground to make claims that the ectoparasites activity depen ds on the presence of the human fine hair on the body; hence the findings confirmed the research hypothesis. Moreover, it was found out that the ectoparasites had significantly longer search times on unshaved arms on male hosts but not on female hosts. The co-researchers presented the data in a clear way that is easy to understand and interpret. However, the co-researchers failed to provide an explanation on the differences that existed between the male and female hosts. Discussion The data presented by the statistical analysis indicate that the presence of the fine body hair prolongs the search behavior of the ectoparasites and enhances the detection of the searching ectoparasites. It clearly indicates that a higher hair index increases the chances of the hosts to detect the ectoparasites. The research indicates that due to the differences in hair index in males and females, there are implications on gender differences in the detection of the ectoparasites. Therefore, there is need to conduct further studies in order to come up with a better reason that causes the differences between male and female hosts. Due to the differences in the number of males and females who took part in this research, the conclusions may be over generalized because it does not fairly represent the actual population. The other methods should be more simple and easy to interpret. For instance, the line graphs indicate data in different points over time (Ryan Bernard, 2000). In a line graph the x- axis indicates the time interval and the y-axis indicates the values of the dependent variable (Tashakkori Teddlie 1998). A pie chart can also be used because it is easy to interpret the results and the contribution of each item to the whole, and the figures provided as a percentage of the whole (Montgomery, 1997).Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In conclusion, the co-researchers have made very important caveats in this study for instance, the research findings are introduced because there is evidence that the research was performed with methodological rigor and the findings are bias free. In addition, the co-researchers have used statistical analysis that has made it easy to interpret raw data into meaningful data. The findings of the data confirm the hypothesis of the research through the determination of the relationship between an individual’s level of hairiness, search time and the detection ability of the ectoparasites. The study fits in line with earlier studies conducted on primates. The study has made advancements from the previous studies because of the inclusion of human beings in the trial experiments as opposed to the earlier studies that used laboratory organisms and primates. Finally, It is important to do further studies on the feeding preferences of the ectoparasites on the hairless parts of the human body. As indicated earlier, the strengths of this research is based on the possible cause and effect relationship by manipulating one dependent variable to influence the other variables in the group being experimented. References Dean, I., Siva-Jothy, M., T. (2011). Human fine body hair enhances ectoparasites detection. Biology Letters, Animal Behavior, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2011.0987. Moher, D., Dulbers C. S., Wells, G., A. (1994). Statistical power, sample size, and their reporting in randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 272:122-124. Montgomery, D., C. (1997). Design and analysis of experiments, 4th edition. New York: John Wiley Sons. Quinn, G. Keough, M. (2002). Experimental design and data analysis for biologists. UK: Cambridge University Press. Ryan, G., W., Bernard, H., R. (2000). Data management and analysis methods. In Norman K. Denzin Yvonna S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp.769-802). Thousand Oaks: Sage. Tashakkori, A., Teddlie, C. (1998). Mixed meth odology: combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, (Vol. 46). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Jefferson Davis, Confederate President

Biography of Jefferson Davis, Confederate President Jefferson Davis  (born Jefferson Finis Davis; June 3, 1808–December 6, 1889) was a prominent American soldier, secretary of war, and political figure who became the president of the Confederate States of America, a nation formed in rebellion to the United States. Before becoming a leader of the slave states in rebellion, he was  viewed by some as a  plausible future president of the United States. Fast Facts: Jefferson Davis Known For:  Davis was the president of the Confederate States of America.Also Known As:  Jefferson Finis DavisBorn:  June 3, 1808  in Todd County, KentuckyParents: Samuel Emory Davis and Jane DavisDied: December 6, 1889  in New Orleans, LouisianaEducation: Transylvania University, U.S. Military Academy at West PointPublished Works:  The Rise and Fall of the Confederate GovernmentSpouses: Sarah Knox Taylor, Varina HowellChildren: 6Notable Quote: Are we, in this age of civilization and political progress†¦to roll back the whole current of human thought, and again return to the mere brute force which prevails between beasts of prey, as the only method of settling questions between men? Early Life and Education Jefferson Davis grew up in Mississippi and was educated at Transylvania University in Kentucky for three years. He then entered the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, graduated in 1828, and received a commission as an officer in the U.S. Army. Early Career and Family Life Davis served as an infantry officer for seven years. After resigning his military commission in 1835, Davis married Sarah Knox Taylor, the daughter of  Zachary Taylor, the future president and Army colonel. Taylor strongly disapproved of the marriage. The newlyweds moved to Mississippi, where Sarah contracted malaria and died within three months. Davis himself contracted malaria and recovered, but he often suffered lingering effects from the disease. Over time, Davis repaired his relationship with Zachary Taylor and he became one of Taylors most trusted advisers during his presidency. Davis married Varina Howell in 1845. They remained married for the rest of his life and had six children, three of whom lived to adulthood. Cotton Plantation and Start in Politics From 1835 to 1845, Davis became a successful cotton planter, farming on a plantation called Brierfield, which had been given to him by his brother. He also began buying slaves in the mid-1830s. According to the federal census of 1840, he owned 39 slaves. In the late 1830s, Davis took a trip to Washington, D.C.  and apparently met President  Martin Van Buren. His interest in politics developed, and in 1845 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democrat. The Mexican War and Political Rise With the beginning of the  Mexican War  in 1846, Davis resigned from Congress and formed a volunteer company of infantrymen. His unit fought in Mexico, under General Zachary Taylor, and Davis was wounded. He returned to Mississippi and received a heros welcome. Davis was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1847  and obtained a powerful position on the Military Affairs Committee. In 1853, Davis was appointed secretary of war in the cabinet of President  Franklin Pierce. It was probably his favorite job, and Davis took to it energetically, helping to bring important reforms to the military. His interest in science inspired him to  import camels  for use by the U.S. Cavalry. Secession In the late 1850s, as the nation was splitting over the issue of slavery, Davis returned to  the U.S. Senate. He cautioned other southerners about secession, but when slave states started leaving the Union, he resigned from the Senate. On January 21, 1861, in the waning days of the administration of  James Buchanan, Davis gave a dramatic farewell speech in the Senate and pleaded for peace. President of the Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis was the only president of the Confederate States of America. He held the office from 1861 until the collapse of the Confederacy at the end of the Civil War, in the spring of 1865. Davis never campaigned for the presidency of the Confederacy in the sense that politicians in the United States campaign. He was essentially selected to serve and he claimed not to be seeking the position. He began his term with widespread support within the states in rebellion. Opposition As the Civil War continued, Davis critics within the Confederacy increased. Before secession, Davis had consistently been a forceful and eloquent advocate for states rights.  Ironically, he became inclined to impose the rule of a strong central government as he tried to manage the Confederate government. Strong states rights advocates within the Confederacy came to oppose him. Besides his choice of Robert E. Lee as commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, Davis is mostly deemed a weak leader by historians. Davis was seen as prickly, a poor delegator, overly involved in details, wrongly attached to defending Richmond, Virginia, and guilty of cronyism. Most historians agree that he was far less effective as a leader during wartime than his counterpart, President Abraham Lincoln. After the War Following the Civil War, many in the federal government and the public believed Davis to be a traitor responsible for years of bloodshed and the deaths of many thousands. There was a strong suspicion that Davis had been involved in the  assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Some accused him of having ordered Lincolns murder. After Davis was apprehended by Union cavalry while trying to escape and perhaps keep the rebellion going, he was locked up in a military prison for two years. For a time he was kept in chains, and his health suffered from his rough treatment. The federal government eventually decided not to prosecute Davis and he returned to Mississippi. He was financially ruined, since he had lost his plantation (and, like many other large landholders in the south, his slaves). Later Years and Death Thanks to a wealthy benefactor, David was able to live comfortably on an estate, where he wrote a book about the Confederacy, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. In his final years, in the 1880s, he was often visited by admirers. Davis died on December 6, 1889. A large funeral was held for him in New Orleans and he was buried in the city. His body was eventually moved to a large tomb in Richmond, Virginia. Legacy Davis, in the decades before the Civil War, served admirably in a number of positions within the federal government. Before becoming a leader of the slave states in rebellion, he was  viewed by some as a  possible future president of the United States. But his accomplishments are judged differently from other American politicians. While he held the Confederate government together in nearly impossible circumstances, he was considered a traitor by those loyal to the United States. There were many Americans who believed he should have been tried for treason and hanged after the Civil War. Some advocates for Davis point to his intellect and relative skill in governing the rebel states. But his detractors note the obvious: Davis strongly believed in the perpetuation of slavery. The veneration of Jefferson Davis remains a controversial subject. Statues of him appeared throughout the south following his death, and, because of his defense of slavery, many now believe those statues should be taken down. There are also periodic calls to remove his name from public buildings and roads which had been named in his honor. His birthday continues to be celebrated in several southern states, and his presidential library opened in Mississippi in 1998. Sources Cooper, William C., Jr. Jefferson Davis, American. Alfred A. Knopf, 2000.  McPherson, James M. Embattled Rebel: Jefferson Davis as Commander in Chief. Penguin Press, 2014.  Strode, Hudson. Jefferson Davis: Confederate President. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

English Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

English - Research Paper Example The world is full of personalities who have been made stars just because of their involvement in soccer. Their every aspect of life has been defined by this game loved by many. The scope of beneficiaries of the game is wide and range from the footballers themselves to coaches who teach the youth how to play soccer. Like in Europe, soccer has a considerable share of the European economy and for this it forms an important part of the economy. It supports other industries and hence treated with a lot of seriousness it accords. To other parts of the world, soccer is used for similar reasons among others. This research is explores how soccer can be used in shaping the live of youth. It digs deep into the possibilities of using soccer game to help youth dream big, be disciplined and have a clear focus about their future. In addition, it evaluates how soccer can be used to instill teamwork and self-reliance besides assessing how popular soccer is among the youth, the age commonly attracted to soccer and finally the risks associated with the act of playing soccer. This is done in a very systematic way in which several resources are used to get the fine details. All time professionals’ life in the game, like David Beckham, has been studied so that a fine grip of the reality at the ground is realized. The of talks of renowned football coaches is also studied so as to unearth the truths which help these coaches instill discipline in these young players. Adolescent is quite challenging among many youth and hence means and ways to curb the effects of troubled adolescents through soccer are studied closely to yield reliable information for governments and other concerned bodies to take action. Soccer and Life skills In life, failure to have discipline in any life undertaking is failure already. David Beckham acknowledges that for one to succeed in football, he has to be disciplined. Football does not request for discipline, but instead it demands for it. You have to m ake a choice; either to be disciplined and learn football or to forget about soccer. Discipline in soccer is a wide aspect. Plainly, it can be stated that discipline is doing what is right all the time for the right purpose and place. When it is time to eat, go and eat. When it is time to play, you just have to go and play. Nevertheless, in soccer, discipline calls for more than just this. A player’s rise to stardom has to establish a very strong foundation of discipline. Respect is of great importance when it comes to adding to discipline. Soccer is a game which entails a lot of stakeholders. There are the players who are teammates, the coach, the team doctors, management team fans, etc. A good relationship between you and all these members of a team depends mostly with the respect which exists in between. Everybody yearns to relate well with the people around them and for this is easily achievable through the discipline of respecting others. It begins with acknowledgement a nd dip conviction that everybody in the team is important. This conviction yields respect which in turn stabilizes discipline. When practiced over and over, it becomes habitual. Respect being a 2-way traffic, you will be respected back by those whom you respect. When playing the game, you are not alone in the field. Youth react very quickly to any happening; either good or bad. With proper respect induction which comes with football training, it is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Letter discussing favorite person in history Assignment

Letter discussing favorite person in history - Assignment Example Even though I had visited the Sistine Chapel a few times, but my visit had a special purpose this time. After this class in Humanities, I felt more sensitive towards the beauty of the Sistine Chapel. The frescos painted by Michelangelo fascinated me the most. In this paper, I would be discussing one particular fresco, The Creation of Adam. The Creation of Adam is one the most acclaimed fresco paintings created by the Italian sculptor and painter, Michelangelo. This painting holds an important place in art history because of the techniques involved in creating the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The fresco is fourth part of a series of nine panels where Michelangelo has depicted stories from the Book of Genesis. In this particular painting, the artist intends to narrate the biblical scene when God gave life to Adam, the first man. However, Michelangelo here adds his own variation to the story. In the original biblical story, God breathed life into Adam through his nostrils. In the painting, on the other hand, God is giving life to Adam through just the touch of his finger. The painting depicts God stretching his hands to give life to Adam who is lying down listlessly while God, supported by his angels is giving life to Adam. Michelangelo has created a resemblance between God and Adam. He does this keeping in mind the Old Testament which states that Man is created in likeness with God. The perfect body of Adam has also been created to bear resemblance with God (Spielvogel, 256). At the same time, there is a stark contrast between the two. Michelangelo has been able to create God at a higher level than man. He does this by making God appear as a Celestine being who is flying in space with his angels. There is flexibility in God while Adam appears to be quite languid. This particular painting belongs to the Renaissance art period. Renaissance art was a

Creating a successful corporate culture after a merger PowerPoint Presentation

Creating a successful corporate culture after a merger - PowerPoint Presentation Example It, therefore, has culminated into a cutthroat type of competition where the aim is to reach the pinnacle in riches and power before anything and anybody else. Since the slots at the top are few and limited in number, short-cuts and illegal means among them fraud and insider trading are sought by any people in this country in their daily bid to realize their dream of greatness. Purpose of the Memo It is thus with a great urge that I write to the chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission with proposals whose aim is to minimize cases of fraud, insider trading and unlawful actions by people and business with the intentions of making quick money. The main aim of this proposal is to contribute to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s efforts towards reining in fraudsters and insider trading who plunder other people into poverty. The commission’s efforts cannot be assumed to have been useless in any way since they have prevented most of the cases that would hav e caused damage to the whole financial sector (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers & Langvardt, 2012). It replaces some existent rules and regulations in place since they have evidently failed to rein in the criminals and, most importantly, managing financial crimes as displayed by the 2008 global recession. Findings of numerous research studies on the 2008 global recession indicate that the spending behavior of US citizens and the laxity of the Securities and Exchange Commission are responsible for the recession. It should be put into consideration that the main aim of all regulatory bodies in this sector should be the prevention of the crimes since, as they say, prevention is better than cure. The Current Laws The United States government has made enormous efforts towards handling the issue of financial crimes by setting the Securities and Exchange Commission which has established a number of rules governing the US business environment to see to a balanced business environment for all business participants. Among these rules are those against the illegal type of insider trading and fraudulent activities in general. For instance, Rule 10b5-1 prohibits insider trading by stating that it is illegal for individual to engage in a trade arrangement using non-public information. However, the rule permeates individuals to only trade under special instances in which there is lack of knowledge that the information was non-public. Moreover, the actions of the trader must be in good faith. The second rule by the Securities and Exchange Commission meant to curb illegal insider trading is the Rule 10b5-2. It is a rule clarifying how the misappropriation theory applies to certain non-business relationships. The rule states that individuals with the privilege of access to confidential information have the obligation to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of such information. Persons violating the law are liable for breach of information confidentiality as outlined by the misappropr iation theory. The Securities and Exchange Commission has established several measures targeting at minimizing the level of financial fraud in major areas of the US business industry. These include the use of people who have inside information on the fraudulent cases being undertaken by companies who tip the Securities an

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Shifts in the Economic System from Building Real Capital to Building Research Paper

Shifts in the Economic System from Building Real Capital to Building Credit - Research Paper Example This paper demonstrates how the values of the economic system have shifted from amassing real capital or wealth to building credit. Building credit is presently revered in all sectors and industries, areas including transportation, entrepreneurship and real estate. This is primarily because good credit good credit is essential, not only to getting loans and credit cards, but more and more firms and societies are making the case that individuals must possess good credit prior to extending products and services to their customers. The issue of the shifting values, in the economic system, towards building credit is an important topic of discussion since it not only demonstrates the evolution of economic rhetoric, but also helps anticipate future trends in economic system. The modern economic environment is such that credit is a greater determiner of wealth accumulation than real capital The accumulation of real capital, which encompasses both financial capital and wealth essentially, refers to the accrual of ownership claims on labor and other forms of capital. Real capital can be epitomized in financial terms, for instance, having financial securities characterized by the ownership of massive funds to get hold of wealth and capital. Therefore, accumulating capital encompasses amassing objects of value by concentrating wealth or capital, for instance, financial capital, natural capital, social capital and human capital. However, in the modern day, credit is what dictates the wellbeing of the financial world. This is the case, not only among first-time home buyers, but Fortune 500 companies that significantly affect national economies (Guseva, 2005). Lenders, whether local, national, regional or global make decisions concerning the credit worthiness of their borrowers on the basis of their credit histories or scores. At present, having a strong credit history is a major determining factor for one’s access to wealth, for instance, homes and cars since credit scores and histories influence access to loans, mortgages and other forms of financial investments. The shift in economic value from building real capital to building credit has been influenced by the microeconomic environment in which organizations and individuals are increasingly shunning physical money in favor of credit. Today, one does not require physical money to make purchases since credit cards allow for exchange of goods and services by swiping credit cards. This occurrence in the microeconomic environment has, in tur n, resulted in the shifts in economic values and ideologies in the macroeconomic environment. The real meaning of building credit is to meet the requirements lenders establish. The macroeconomic theory presently integrates credit and banking by appreciating the role of both banking and credit in shaping the overall economy (Heijdra & Ploeg, 2002). The present economic system appreciates the macro mechanisms that link the real economy to variables inherent in the environment, for instance, climatic changes and

Do Ethical Theories Help Journalists do Their Job Essay

Do Ethical Theories Help Journalists do Their Job - Essay Example 101). In the conduct of their profession, journalists are practically confronted with various ethical dilemmas that it would be better for them to be armed with ethical theories than not. Furthermore, ethical theory becomes more important to journalists given the impact they can create to their readership (public opinion) and the society (public values) as a whole – which according to Iggers (1998, p. 15) makes journalism ethics unique – especially in this era of corporate journalism wherein the interest of capital often clashes with that of the public, putting in jeopardy journalism’s long-held principles as defined by the Society of Professional Journalists (1973): â€Å"Seek truth and report it; minimize harm; act independently; and be accountable† (Friend & Singer 2007, p. xix; Boeyink & Sandra 2010, p. 17; Black & Roberts 2011, p. 51). Hanlin (1992, p. 28) is perfectly understandable to say that â€Å"many critics might agree with the suggestion that any man rich enough to buy a newspaper should not be allowed to own one.† This statement simply illustrates how the situation and the organisation in which journalists perform their profession today make journalism ethically challenging. It is easy to criticise journalists in fulfilling their profession. But the very condition in which journalists perform their profession oftentimes puts them in situations that test their ethical principles. For example, while journalists are committed to reporting the truth – which is believed to be the core of journalism – finding the truth, especially the dangerous ones, is actually something not easy to achieve in legal and even ethical ways. So, what course of action should journalists take if the only way to find the truth is either by stealing the information or by using deceptive strategies? (Jackson 1992, p. 69) Would it be unethical to go into stealing, lying and deceiving in the name of truth? But what would happen wi th journalism if it defaults in finding out and reporting the truth? The answer to this question will surely vary depending on the ethical theory that journalists hold onto. For example, one may find the task to bring out the truth by any means more important than observing the law. Anyway, it is often argued that not all that is legal is ethical and not all that is ethical may be legal. It may also be argued that the end justify the means. Added to this ethical dilemma is the issue of confidentiality in journalism. The News Manual defines the centrality of confidentiality of sources in the ethics of journalism on the basis of trust. Meaning, journalists may divulge information given in confidence, but must protect the identity of their sources not unless the sources permit journalists to name them. Any breach on this agreement might jeopardize the whole profession, because in the future sources may no longer give sensitive information in confidence. (Ingram & Henshall, 2008) In rel ation to acquiring information through illegal means, journalists can deny it by opting to invoke this confidentiality clause. But to resort to such trick only worsens the ethical dilemma because aside from lying, this clause that is meant to protect sources is maliciously used. Though the confidentiality clause can be misused by journalists to get away with the law, this same clause can also put journalists into an extremely difficult situation. In

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Financial markets and institution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial markets and institution - Essay Example A good combination of a well-developed financial market and a diversified financial instrument and products sufficiently provides for the needs of lenders and borrowers, and hence improve the overall economy. For instant, financial institutions like banks have special roles to play for multiple companies that are in need of funds. Banks can contribute to prevent the effect of a sudden economic shock that might affect their customers. The banking industry always stands ready to provide their clients with financial aid even in difficult circumstances, like when the liquidity of financial market dries up. They are the financial intermediaries that add cost to the allocation of capital. In addition, some economic projects can be financed by financial institutions such as banks in cases where the market cannot finance such projects. Big financial markets which have lots of financial and trading activity ensure that more liquid funds are provided to the market participant than in smaller markets. Most assets of financial market are liquid which may sometimes have secondary market to ensure that the existing financial asset transfer occur at a very low cost (Willem, 2001). The effective flow of finance in a given market ensures that the market participants are able to provide their goods and services effectively and therefore ensures an improved economic growth of the given country. Commercial banks are the most diversified and largest financial intermediaries due to the enormous range of liabilities and assets that they hold. Most of their liabilities are always in the form of saving deposits, time deposit and various types of checks. The type of assets that commercial banks hold are the securities of the various denominations and forms, which include consumer loans, mortgage loans, loans that are given to the state and the local government. These banks are the most

Do Ethical Theories Help Journalists do Their Job Essay

Do Ethical Theories Help Journalists do Their Job - Essay Example 101). In the conduct of their profession, journalists are practically confronted with various ethical dilemmas that it would be better for them to be armed with ethical theories than not. Furthermore, ethical theory becomes more important to journalists given the impact they can create to their readership (public opinion) and the society (public values) as a whole – which according to Iggers (1998, p. 15) makes journalism ethics unique – especially in this era of corporate journalism wherein the interest of capital often clashes with that of the public, putting in jeopardy journalism’s long-held principles as defined by the Society of Professional Journalists (1973): â€Å"Seek truth and report it; minimize harm; act independently; and be accountable† (Friend & Singer 2007, p. xix; Boeyink & Sandra 2010, p. 17; Black & Roberts 2011, p. 51). Hanlin (1992, p. 28) is perfectly understandable to say that â€Å"many critics might agree with the suggestion that any man rich enough to buy a newspaper should not be allowed to own one.† This statement simply illustrates how the situation and the organisation in which journalists perform their profession today make journalism ethically challenging. It is easy to criticise journalists in fulfilling their profession. But the very condition in which journalists perform their profession oftentimes puts them in situations that test their ethical principles. For example, while journalists are committed to reporting the truth – which is believed to be the core of journalism – finding the truth, especially the dangerous ones, is actually something not easy to achieve in legal and even ethical ways. So, what course of action should journalists take if the only way to find the truth is either by stealing the information or by using deceptive strategies? (Jackson 1992, p. 69) Would it be unethical to go into stealing, lying and deceiving in the name of truth? But what would happen wi th journalism if it defaults in finding out and reporting the truth? The answer to this question will surely vary depending on the ethical theory that journalists hold onto. For example, one may find the task to bring out the truth by any means more important than observing the law. Anyway, it is often argued that not all that is legal is ethical and not all that is ethical may be legal. It may also be argued that the end justify the means. Added to this ethical dilemma is the issue of confidentiality in journalism. The News Manual defines the centrality of confidentiality of sources in the ethics of journalism on the basis of trust. Meaning, journalists may divulge information given in confidence, but must protect the identity of their sources not unless the sources permit journalists to name them. Any breach on this agreement might jeopardize the whole profession, because in the future sources may no longer give sensitive information in confidence. (Ingram & Henshall, 2008) In rel ation to acquiring information through illegal means, journalists can deny it by opting to invoke this confidentiality clause. But to resort to such trick only worsens the ethical dilemma because aside from lying, this clause that is meant to protect sources is maliciously used. Though the confidentiality clause can be misused by journalists to get away with the law, this same clause can also put journalists into an extremely difficult situation. In

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Prison Term Policy Recommendation Essay Example for Free

Prison Term Policy Recommendation Essay The legal definition of armed robbery, according to The Free Dictionary by Farlex is The taking of money or goods in the possession of another, from his or her person or immediate presence, by force or intimidation. (Free Dictionary, 2009) This is not to be confused with larceny. An armed robbery is defined when a person is made to feel fear or harm and then has personal property stolen. Larceny is a person who hasIt is the responsibility for members of the state legislature to thoroughly research whether a bill to double the maximum prison term for any person convicted of armed robbery will be an effective deterrent to future crimes. The data compiled will present the positive and negative aspects of the proposed bill. Therefore, the criminologist advisor will compile a study of the current laws, consequences, and data necessary to make a recommendation. This author will be the criminologist advisor for the New Jersey state legislature member. As the states advisor, this author will present the prison term policy as it stands for armed robbery and the authors recommendation for the change; included will be the incorporation of the Three-Strikes Law to aid in the punishment stage. In the state of New Jersey, the sentence for first degree armed robbery is 25 years in prison. Each armed robbery conviction carries maximum statutory prison sentence of 25 years. (2006) Pursuant to state law, the convict must serve a minimum of 85 percent of their sentence. For a 25 year sentence, this would be 21.25 years. This author feels that if the convicted criminal has no regard for their victim, they should serve their term behind bars. In reality, if a person the age of 40 was sentenced to a term of 25 years, they would be 65 when they were released, if made to serve the entire term. However, if the same 40 year old person was sentenced to a term that had been doubled to 50 years, they would be 90 years old upon release, if they lived to that age. This would mean that tax payers would be forced to pay for this person to be in an already overcrowded prison for the remainder of their life. Most people are not going to want to do this, unless of course the crime led to a death in which case the criminal deserves to be in jail for the remainder of  their life. There is another point of view to consider when thinking about this type of crime. That would be the people who support a change in the laws to double the sentence of a convicted armed robber. If the sentence is 40 years normally and then doubled, it is safe to assume that the person will never see freedom again. In that case, there will be one less dangerous person on the streets who will be able to go out and commit another robbery, and possibly worse. Three Strikes LawThe Three Strikes Law was originally passed in 1993. In the state of New Jersey, the bill was approved May 13, 1994. In fact, the bill was approved in a 35 0 vote. They were slightly behind on passing this bill but it is a good protection for citizens to have. The crimes the bill covers are murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, kidnapping, sexual assault, robbery and possession of a firearm, explosive or destructive device for an unlawful purpose. (New York Time, 1994) The definition is life in prison for committing three violent crimes, such as murder, manslaughter or robbery. (Three strikes case, 2007) This is a great idea to keep repeat offenders locked up and off the streets. It is a shame though, that a person has to keep committing crimes in order to be locked up permanently. In the case of someone committing armed robbery, there should not be a question of the punishment they deserve to get. When it is proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the person absolutely committed the crime they are accused of, they need to be punished accordingly. Then of course, when that said person gets released and goes out and commits more crimes, they do not deserve a break. When they go into a residence or business with a weapon, whether it is a gun, knife, pepper spray or something else, it is their intention to use force to get what they want. They intentionally want to scare the person or people they are going to rob, and if necessary, they will use physical force which can result in severe injury or even death. This author is a supporter of the Three Strikes Law. She believes that people who do not want to follow the laws and try to make up their own deserve to be punished. She feels that each person has a right to feel safe in their  own home or place of business and when someone comes in and tries to take away that feeling of safety, it can affect that persons life. In the beginning of this paper, it was mentioned that there will be people who do not agree that they should be responsible to pay for a criminal to spend the rest of their life behind bars. The criminal will get a warm place to sleep, three meals a day, exercise, television, education and possibly work duty. The possibility of armed robbers getting double the amount of time to spend in prison is good, but it may not always be a deterrent to other people who are thinking of committing that same crime, or who are currently career criminals. If a person is homeless and is robbing people by force to survive, it is quite possible that they know if they are caught, they will have a place to sleep out of the cold and rain or any other extreme weather. They will also know that they will get meals, which they may not get while living on the streets. It is the opinion of this author that while this law may deter some people from committing crimes, it will not deter everyone. Many criminals have the mindset that they are good at what they do and they will not get caught. Those are famous last words. No matter how good the person is at their crime, they will almost always be caught, regardless of the time line that passes between when they started their career and when they are finally brought to ju stice. Some other issues that had been mentioned when New Jersey was first trying to pass the Three Strikes Law was the cost involved not only with repeat offenders going through a trial and then being jailed again, but also the cost of actually keeping them in prison. The other issue mentioned was the fact that the prisons are already bursting at the seams with inmates so the former Governor Christine T. Whitman wanted to make sure this bill would only apply to the most violent of crimes. (New York Times, 1994) The New Jersey Department of Corrections (NJDOC) houses approximately inmates in minimum, medium and maximum state prisons. The annual cost to house each inmate in 2006 was approximately $38,700 per year. This is more than many people make in a year. There were about 14,000 people incarcerated into the NJDOC in 2006 and that number was expected to rise by 1180 in 2007. In 2006, 14,000 inmates were released and it was expected that 1,180 would be  released each month in 2007. The median term for NJDOC inmates is five years. Fifty percent of all NJDOC inmates are serving terms of one-to-five years; 16 percent are serving terms of six-to-nine years; and 34 percent are serving maximum sentences of 10 years or more. (Department of Corrections)After a thorough review of all the information given in this paper, it is the recommendation of this author that the laws surrounding the violent crime of armed robbery be changed to doubling when convicted of the offense. A statement needs to be made to criminals that the State of New Jersey will not condone violent criminal offenders and will punish them to the fullest extent of the law. These offenders should know that no matter where they go or what they do, their crimes will not go unnoticed and they will be caught and prosecuted. In closing, it is the hope of the author that all members of the State of New Jersey legislation will regard the seriousness of the crime of armed robbery and will take into consideration the information that has been presented and vote in favor of passing this law along side of the passing of the bill of the Three Strikes Law. References Career Criminal Bank Robber Gets 90 Years in Federal Prison (2006) retrieved on March 22, 2009 from Free Dictionary by Farlex (2009) retrieved on March 22, 2009 from, K. (25 October, 2007) NJ top court to decide three strikes case retrieved on March 22, 2009 from, J. (Ed.). (1994). New Jersey Senate Approves Bill To Jail 3-Time Criminals for Life. New York: The New York Times. Retrieved March 23, 2009, from Jersey Department of Corrections (1999 2009) retrieved on March 23, 2009 from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Nutrition for Pregnant Women, Athletes and Children

Nutrition for Pregnant Women, Athletes and Children Introduction to Nutrition Genetically Modified Food Foods developed from organisms whose DNA is changed by applying methods of genetic engineering is known as Genetically Modified foods. Such techniques allow control over food’s generic structure and introduce new crop traits. Example There is several genetic modified food, some of them are given below: Pesticide resistant rape plants Golden rice Long-lasting tomatoes Soybeans Vaccination banana GM foods are derived from organisms whose DNA has been modified artificially, these crops are to improve yield by providing resistance to plant diseases. In future, genetically modified foods will alter the nutrient content of foods by reducing it allergic portion or improving the efficiency of food production systems. The main health concerns for new genetically engineered food revolve around being allergic or toxic through the engineered process. FDA reports that foods they have evaluated till now are not likely to cause an allergic or toxic reaction (McFadden, 2014). Nonetheless stomach sections presented reasonable erosive/necrotic lesions in seven female rats but no one in the panels but no histology was done as these were deliberated to be of no prominence. Even though in senior humans who used aspirin to prevent thrombosis, this can cause life-endangering hemorrhage (Kok, 2014). Benefits of GM food Some opportunities to use GM foods for good are: Better resistance against weeds, pest and other diseases; such as corn Corn is widely grown and an essential grain in the United States. Corn cannot be reproduced without human aid. The below table shows that what % of food is modified in UAE: Conclusion In order to decide regarding the use and regulation of these genetically modified plants, one must be well informed and aware of this new technology. Gestational and Maternal Nutrition Key dietary guidelines for a pregnant woman Eating a healthy diet during pregnancy is vital for both mother and baby. Nutritious diet can help you promote your babys growth and development. Grains Many whole-grain and enriched products contain carbohydrate, fiber and iron. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and beans Protein is important for baby’s growth during second and third trimesters. Protein, B vitamins are present in foods of this group. Dairy products Dairy products are enriched with calcium. Calcium fortified soy milk helps to build baby bones. Recommended supplements used during pregnancy Supplement of folic acid is commonly recommended. Sources recommend 1200 mcg of folate (natural form) per day for maximum benefit. To meet nutritional needs, pregnant women are encouraged to consume a rich, along a daily vitamin and mineral supplement. Recommended food to eat Avocados, Mangoes, Broccoli, Carrots Spinach DHA eggs yogurt, Edamame beans Lentils, Oatmeal Nuts Foods to avoid In order to not get ill or harm baby’s health, there are some foods that should be avoided. Nutritional needs of breast feeding mothers Women are recommended to continue eating nutrition full diet similarly to how they were eating during their pregnancy. A breast-feeding woman requires 200 more calories than a pregnant woman provided that the calories come from nutritious foods. While breast-feeding two to three servings of protein must be taken each day. Good sources of protein include: Meat Poultry Seafood Tofu Dairy products Dried beans The foods that are avoided during pregnancy are also recommended to be avoided during breast feeding because it might cause an allergic reaction or harm to either mother or baby. Nutritional requirements of Athletes Key dietary guidelines for an athlete For an athlete there is an excessive and well balanced diet, which is full of nutrition. As an athlete it is necessary to maintain the proper diet , there must be have proper balance of nutrients, minerals, vitamins and well as calories to improve the performance. Supplements The supplements used by athlete are, BS-Vitamins, protein, omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil), vitamin D, magnesium, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) Athletes requires more amount of nutrients they actually demand from their bodies than even almost equal fitness buffs in order to compensate with the help of nutrients, which can be obtained from foods or supplement, so that performance cab be remained for a long time. In order to achieve them maximum level of performance, there are some recommended food to gain maximum carbohydrate storage, it is suggested by the experts that they need to get around70% of its calories from carbohydrates, along with pasta, fruits, cereals, vegetables etc. Foods to avoid There are some foods which are recommended to avoid for athletes, these foods are avoidable to meet with the maximum level of great performance. The avoidable foods are including energy and protein bars, sports drink and as well as it is also needful to avoid Before running a long-drawn-out there are some recommended ways that must be done by an athlete? The foremost tips for them are: Dont carbo-overload A body can store sufficient amount of carbohydrates in order to keep them going for around 90 minutes approx., which it has to help to sweltering fat reserves for liveliness Make the use of plain and familiar foods To avoid from unwanted gas, diarrhea, inflating, it is necessary to take care from junk foods, avoid unused foods and also keep away from spicy foods as well. Supplements used by body builders There are some supplements used by an athlete. It is appropriate for working amazingly, but if diet is not proper then these supplements will not be very much effective. Those supplements are usually included, multi vitamins, glutamine, creatine, thermogenics, ZMA as well (Perret, 2014). Side effects of supplements As it is known that there are several supplements used by an athlete to improve the efficiency However, not all supplements are effective. Although there disadvantages are more as compared to their advantages. As time passes it weakens the body, in some cases it make the body addicted to these supplements. Nutrition for School-Age Children and Healthy Lunchboxes Key dietary The key dietary for school age children are usually including eat four to five times a day, as well as including snacks, which are healthy for children. Degree of development and frequently eat 4 to 5 times per day, as well as snacks which are full of nutrients. After coming back from schools it is good for them to take healthy snacks, because these snacks contribute more third of the total calorie for the day (Napier, 2014). Supplements recommended during childhood In case of required supplements for children, vitamins and minerals are significant elements of the total nutritional needs. The reason is that body is not able to produce more amount of vitamin, therefore some supplements are required to adequate the nutritional need in children. The included supplements are Vitamin A, B, C and D. As body need multiple vitamins, that why vitamins and minerals should be increased in an adequate amount. In certain, a good and increased quantity of protein, iron, calcium and as well as vitamins A and D is necessary. Recommended food As calcium is most significant in school age children, therefore it is recommended to increase the amount of calcium in their daily routine. They need calcium around 500 mg per day, and the best basis of this nutrient is cow’s milk. As well as meat, eggs, wheat is also recommended for them. Foods to avoid These are the following food, which are avoidable at school age of children, for example processed meats, sports drink, canned tomatoes, sugary cereals (Weichselbaum, 2014) Potential food allergens Along with a food allergy, the human body comes into some reaction process as though that specific food product is risky and unsafe. Due to which the immune system of body produces antibodies in order to fight with the food allergen, the constituent in the food that activates the antipathy. In the schools of UAE all types of processed food, as well as all categories of crisps, fries and chocolates are provided, although now it is going to be replaced by healthier selections such as vegetables and healthy fruits in the Northern Emirates state schools and in all Dubai. Ways to Make Food More Fun for children In order to attract children towards healthier foods, there are some interesting ways by which school age children can easily get interest, for example by changing the color of food into their favorite colors, because colorful foods naturally more attracting to children, like this we can maximize their interest, use fun names of their foods. To encourage the use of healthy food in children. Do some additional efforts, a child can detecthungerand fullness better, Formerly offering a subsequent facilitating or serving, test your child by making them await for a few minutes to observe if they are really still hungry. Healthy snacking vs. Junk food Junk foods usually have high ranks of calories from sugar or fat along with littleprotein,minerals and vitamins. Foods generally measured junk foods contain saltedsnack foods,candy, sweetdesserts, gum, sugarycarbonated beverages and fried fast food. Plain snacks similar plain cereals, vegetables and pasta are correspondingly slightly general. What effect does tobacco/sheesha have on our body and diet? Tobacco is a sort of plant that is usually grown in the southeastern of USA. North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, are the manufacturers of tobacco (Khan, 2014). Tobacco smoke comprises a poisonous mixture of more than 7,000 toxic elements. In which 70 types of chemicals can cause cancer among the addicted users of smoking. Here are some of the chemicals. Formaldehyde Polonium 210 Vinyl chloride Benzene There are several side effects for long term smokers. Even though the risks regarding health are at high risks among heavy smokers, the usage of tobacco damages the lungs. Condensed lung function and a deteriorating of difficulties from asthma. All smokers are at further risk for: Coronary heart disease Peripheral vascular disease High cholesterol (LDL) Lung cancer Cancer of the mouth, throat and voice box Cancer of the pancreas Cancer of the kidney, and urinary bladder Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Influenza The common cold Peptic ulcers Although it is not well understood, that smoking can have direct effects on the daily dietary routine. Smoking is related with reduced nutrition intake and subordinate body weight. Nicotine accomplished whichever by means of smoking or by smokeless routes, is considered the main constituent of tobaccos. There are many negative effects of smoking on human bodies. Nicotine and the poisonous ingredients in cigarettes not solitary trough the body of vitamins and minerals, nevertheless they also chunk absorption of these vigorous nutrients. Of course tobacco is harmful for body. Percentage of tobacco use in UAE. Several efforts have been done by the government of UAE in order to control the excessive use of smoking in the Arab countries, different number of orders have been made to put health warning on the packets of tobacco and also decided to start some advertisement campaign with the help of TV and radio stations. After several researches it has been observed that the usage of tobacco is not useful for human being, as it damages the lungs, increases the respiratory problems like asthma. Therefore there should have something in order to ban the usage of these types of toxic elements as it is harmful and spoil the precious life of human being. Smoking is self-sufficiently related with reduced bone density of the hip, in body of younger and as well as older persons. What effect does caffeine have on our body and diet? Caffeine is formed by means of numerous plants as a self-protective mechanism, and the caffeine which is added to soda derives from unused produces of tea and coffee handling. Chemicals existent in caffeine arenitrogenousorganic compoundbelong to thealkaloidgroup, constituents that have noticeable physiological special effects. Sometimes caffeine is safe for alders, but on the other hand it has numerous side effects like it can cause insomnia, vomiting, headache, anxiety and agitation as well, caffeine can also increase heart rate and can disturb the respiration. Even amongst grown person, substantial caffeine usage can become the main reason of unkind side effects. And caffeine possibly will not be a respectable selection for people who are exceedingly delicate to its possessions. As soon as the caffeine enters the body it is previously being metabolized by means of the liver and fragmented into theophylline, theobromine, and paraxanthine. The caffeine metabolites are at that point clarified through the kidneys and after that they exit from the body with the urine. Caffeine also prevents the quantity of calcium that is engrossed over the gastric tract and exhausts the volume reserved by means of the bones. Caffeine constrains the receptors of vitamin D, which bound the quantity that will be fascinated (Bray, 2014). For the reason that vitamin D is significant in the absorption and as well as the usage of calcium in bone, further this can reduce bone inorganic density, consequential in an augmented danger for osteoporosis. Benefits of Caffeine Caffeine has several side effects like caffeine assorted along with carbsrefills muscle glycogen meditations sooner after isometrics. Therefore caffeine is healthier than sleep while you have to be alert during driving We can conclude that caffeine expended by means of ordinary sources is doubtless the preeminent meanwhile numerous of the healthiness welfares of caffeine are perhaps fundamentally because of the extraordinary antioxidant intensities originate by consistent coffee and tea. References Bray, G. A., Popkin, B. M. (2014). Dietary sugar and body weight: have we reached a crisis in the epidemic of obesity and diabetes? Health be damned! Pour on the sugar. Diabetes care, 37(4), 950-956. Kok, E., Pedersen, J., Onori, R., Sowa, S., Schauzu, M., De Schrijver, A., Teeri, T. H. (2014). Plants with stacked genetically modified events: to assess or not to assess?.Trends in biotechnology. Khan, A., Laronde, D. M. (2014). Waterpipe smoking: A healthy alternative to cigarettes or a health hazard in disguise?. Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene, 48(1). McFadden, B., Lusk, J. (2014). Cognitive Biases in the Assimilation of Scientific Information on Global Warming and Genetically Modified Food. Napier, C., Hlambelo, N. (2014). Contribution of school lunchboxes to the daily food intake of adolescent girls in Durban. South African Journal of Child Health, 8(2), 59-63. Perret, C., Shaw, G. (2014). 11 Use of Supplements in Athletes. Sports Nutrition for Paralympic Athletes, 167. Weichselbaum, E., Buttriss, J. L. (2014). Diet, nutrition and schoolchildren: An update. Nutrition Bulletin.